Know thy Self

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 The Truth About Self Discovery and Awakening

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When True Happiness and Peace are What You Seek

See to Be Free

The ability to see Life from a more expansive and comprehensive vantage point changes everything. You will open to Joy beyond what you ever imagined was possible.

Letting go of the fog and the illusion of life can only occur when you can fully See, everything . Clarity brings Peace and Joy.
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Experience the Freedom to Be YOU

Imagine feeling safe, loved, and able to live Life YOUR way. Imagine being able to lovingly speak what you truly feel, with anyone at any time. How would it feel and what would you do if you were Free of all fear and limitations? This IS Possible through Awareness and Self-Discovery!

Who Are You Really?

Which mask do you wear when you are around certain people? How many faces do you really have? Are you clear and confident or foggy and unsure? When we Know our True Self, we feel Joy, Peace, and Contentment. Self Discovery is getting to know the deepest parts of yourself, even the parts that we judge and only see Love.


Esateys has developed a proven proprietary Self-Awareness System to help you identify and breakthrough your blocks. Through her intuitive 1 on 1 Coaching and Group Coaching you will design a powerful Personal Life Plan that will empower you to have the life you really want.


For over 30 years Esateys has been facilitating life transformlng retreats and private events ranging from Relationship Mastery, Mindset Mastery and Creating a Life with Unlimited Joy and Abundance .Learn pragmatic tools to Live in the World of Possibility

Programs by Esateys

Powerful Online Programs to Create Your Breakthrough in Just Seven Weeks. Experience the Ultimate Breakthrough Solution you have been longing for

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Esateys' Latest Video




Free Weekly Meetup

"Awakening in the Twenty First Century"
Dialogues in Self Discovery

Free Online Ask Esateys Meetup Session EVERY Tuesday night at 6pm PT.

Saturday Workshops with E

How to Create the New year as the New You A Year of Hope and Inspiration

Saturday Online Workshop to Start Your Year Off with Esateys

6 Week Workshop with E

Awakening the Wisdom of the Heart

6 Week Interactive Online Course with Mentoring by Esateys


We are in Great appreciation and gratitude for your generous donation.

Your donations will go to funding increased program development and the granting of program and event scholarships so that we can continue to expand our work to include anyone who would like to Discover themselves.

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