Personal | Relationship | Business
See Your Life through a Different Lense
Personal Transformation is the journey to being happy, content and fullfilled with whatever is happening. It starts with becoming happy, content and accepting of yourself. It’s about growing to new levels of awareness that take away the highs and lows of the personality or ego and allows us to just be with what is, no matter what the mind is saying.
The ability to change or transform, the ability to be happy and the ability to love all comes from an awareness of who we are and what are purpose is for being here on the planet. Personal transformation occurs when we can see or be ware enough to shed the blinders that we have to knowing our true selves.
Transformation is a process of “Seeing” what is real as distinct from what is manufactured by the Ego personality. We come into this world with a hard shell of amnesia (we don’t remember who we really are) and blinders preventing us from “knowing” what is real and what is important. The Transformation process allows us to dissolve the blinders of the mind so we can “See”, really see what is.

Relationships are critical to our happiness in that they are a mirror for everything we are thinking, saying and doing. Everything we experience with someone or something else (our business, our health, our career) is always a reflection of what is going on in side of us.
Once we understand this there can be no blame of the other person and will not feel like a victim of life or of someone else.
This understanding of our personalities and programs lead to joy, happiness and safety which is what we all want anyway.
We are in relationship with everything in our world. Our partners, our family, our friends, our money, our health, our environment.
The list goes on and on. What is important is that we recognize that any conflict or disruption in any of these areas is our wakeup call to discover what is triggering these disruptions within ourselves and then to focus on “cleaning up” or “healing” these areas within ourselves.
Our Outer World (i.e. our business) is always a reflection of our Inner World.
If our business (or our career) is not performing as we would like or if there are persistent areas of disruption and conflict, we can do one of two things. We can try to fix the problem in the business or in our career (ie better marketing, more education, hire better people, change jobs) or we can recognize that the problem is not with the business it is within you.
Take a deep look at yourself! Doing what it takes to concentrate on your own personal transformation and growth will automatically align your business to match your own personal awareness and knowing. Once in alignment with your purpose and mission, your business will transform and thrive.
Always start with You!!!!

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