Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner are a very powerful couple that have dedicated their lives to creating and disseminating cutting edge information for personal and global transformation[ and awakening.]
At first Rafael and Esateys were friends, Esateys was Rafael’s teacher. Over the years their relationship blossomed. When they married in 2005 they intentionally created a new paradigm for relationships that embodied true partnership, personal empowerment and mutual respect.
Esateys is the visionary and macro thinker. Rafael is the grounded and practical businessman. Together they embody a left brain-right brain approach that builds upon intuition, practical knowledge and trust.

Esateys (pronounced Ee sáh teez) is a Certified Master Facilitator and Expert in the Human Condition who specializes in Relationships and Mindset Mastery as the mechanism for Personal Transformation, Joy and Success in all Areas of Life.
She has the uncanny proven ability to see through the façade of the human personality and layers of human programming to enable her clients to access their greatest potential and self-empowerment.
For over 30 years Esateys has been facilitating and guiding people and businesses through speaking, seminars, retreats, and private coaching to discover and Breakthrough their limitations to create extraordinary shifts in their lives.
Rafael Stuchiner is a “recovering” tax attorney from New York City who left his world of business, real estate and finance in 2001 to come and work with Esateys in developing their collective vision of what life could be life as connected individuals and ultimately as a connected couple.
Rafael is a successful businessman, accountant, real estate developer and entrepreneur. Applying the relationship techniques he created with Esateys, he mentors business owners in becoming more successful and more profitable by creating a new vision for relationships in the workplace.

Esateys & the Ultimate Relationship Academy | All Rights Reserved 2019