All Personal growth starts with and ends with an awareness of yourself which is why we start with Relationships. Relationships are the gateway to understanding yourself and being aware of how these insights impact upon your world.
Mindset, the voice in your head, is the unconscious tape recorder that takes over your life without you knowing it. Understanding and working with what you think ,feel and say will bring start a chain reaction that brings towards you all of the things you want in your life.
Abundance and Wealth (not just in the form of money) is what we all crave and think will complete our lives and make us happy. True abundance and Wealth can be achieved by a deep core understanding and connection with who we are.
All of these are areas are covered in my Ultimate Life Breakthrough System (the ULBS) which is described below. The ULBS covers Relationship Mastery, Mindset Breakthrough and Wealth Acceleration in one comprehensive program and is our most economical way to “have it all.”

The Ultimate Life Breakthrough System is our signature compilation of our most important work. It is an innovative and life changing program that combines all of my paradigm breaking teachings, technologies and systems into one simple, easy to use, directed methodology to change your life in just 7 weeks.
This work begins with literally reprogramming the conscious and subconscious mind in a way that allows you to totally Re-Design Your Life, Your Relationships, Your Finances , Your Health and much, much more.
The Ultimate Life Breakthrough System provides you with all of the programs, audios, retreats, coaching, special bonuses and other information that allows you to be consistently connected to everything that will inspire you to create and follow through and experience Radical Results with your greatest desires.
The Ultimate Life Breakthrough System
is comprised of five life changing modules:
This is the best value for you to get all of Esateys’ life changing programs available in one package!
Esateys’ Programs Available Separately
Browse through the offerings and see what you are drawn to. You will instantly know what is right for you.
Any questions, please contact me at esateys@esateys.com for what is the best program for you.
Relationship Reboot System
Create or Reignite Your Perfect Relationship with Others and Yourself
Your Relationships are the pathway to your greatest understanding of yourself and ultimately your happiness.
Comprised of 3 Modules :
• “Create or Reignite Your Perfect Relationship”
• “Connection in the Bedroom.”
• “Relationships and Beyond,” an advanced view of why mastering relationships is so important.

The Mindset Breakthrough System
The Mindset Breakthrough System is our seminal work and teaches how Mindset Mastery is the Key to creating the Life Your Truly Want.
.Master your thoughts and end all conflict in your life; from your Relationships, your Health, your Business, Career and your Inner Connection.
Being in control of your mind and what you are constantly thinking is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.
If you would like to live in a State of Non-Resistance and simultaneously Experience Your Busy Life in Pure Joy this program is a must!
It is the key to transforming everything in your life and setting the foundation for you to be The Architect of the New You
Wealth Accelerator Program
Transform Your Business, Your Life and Your Abundance Consciousness!!
With Esateys, you’ll create wealth step by step and discover and experience the life you deserve!
A word of explanation. Wealth is much more than just money or things. Its the essence of your joy and well being experienced all of the time.
Achieve complete balance in all the essential areas of your life, and create absolute personal wealth! With her proven system, Esateys shows you how to create a deep sense of inner connection & knowing that lets joy flow freely into your life.

21 Days to Absolute Wealth
How to Nurture Your “Energy for Success”
Get personalzied coaching form Esateys for 21 Days. Imagine what it would be like to have Esateys sitting on your shoulder supporting your success
This unique program is designed to support you in acquiring the tools and the habits for creating amazing wealth in your Life. Yes creating Wealth in Your life is Habitual! And we will show you how.
For 21 Days you will receive an email from Esateys with a 20-30 minute audio message, a short homework assignment (will take you 5-10 minutes) and a transcript of the audio. Each lesson is designed to create a systematic approach to your success and to help you create habits of success in your life.
- This Program is perfect for anyone taking any of our programs who wants to stay focused on and amplify the positive results that these programs have given them.
The Awareness and Desire Quotient
The AQ DQ System
Impacting Massive Change Starts Here
All Life demands Change. We are either changing by Choice (empowerment) or by default (victim). To create any Change by Choice we must have Awareness and Desire.
These are the 2 basic foundations for all conscious Change or Creation. This program will empower you to become distinctively Aware and support your Passionate Desire through your core fuel called, ”Your Why”. Neuro-Psychologists have shown that when you have high Awareness Quotients and high Desire Quotients your productivity soars and your happiness and peace levels are increased.
We go deep into what Awareness and Desire are and how to evaluate where you are currently. We then take you into how to increase your Awareness and Desire Quotient to the level of finding greater Joy, Connection and Absolute Freedom in your Life.
This program will help you find what you are looking for!
This program is packed full of wisdom and very practical day to day tools to support Radical Results and Awareness in every area of your Life

Esateys & the Ultimate Relationship Academy | All Rights Reserved 2019