When you ‘Have It All’ this means you experience material world happiness, contentment, and joy. This emerges from the Deep Spiritual Connection to Who You Truly Are.
You Love Life As It Is And You Innately Do What You Do From A True Place Of Presence And Joy.
This body of work involves your readiness to explore ‘Beyond Where Your Mind Knows to Go’ and ‘Make Known the Unknown’. If this does not make sense to you right now, that is ok. All you need is Desire, Willingness, and Commitment.
This is the place where you step out of the Dream and you recognize that to BE completely Actualized/Connected you also live a most Excellent, Happy, Loving, Open-Hearted, Successful, Playful and Joyful Life.
Here we focus on how every moment, every thought, action, word, breath and experience each show the most powerful Tool for Awakening.
When you ‘Wake-UP’ and can clearly ‘See’ what I AM saying, your perspective shifts and all of Life is Absolutely Joyful, even if others do not see it that way.
The Pain is gone and only the Adventure Remains. How will you Play and BE in This Game Called Life?
If you choose this option you will need a Willingness, Power, Commitment and agreement to accept Support and Truth at a level that perhaps you never have before.
To Have It ALL means you Give It ALL.
Enlightenment means being able to ‘See’ and ‘BE’ the Reality that you Truly Are. This happens here.
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